I can’t even react. The hiding just now is my limit. How can I hide when I fall?


I didn’t think I would die this way.
I didn’t expect Xie Tingyun to pounce on me "poof". hidden weapons scored his shoulder and drew a sharp pain from my neck.
A stream of blood spray my face.
I was dumbfounded, holding Xie Tingyun down, my head was white, and all the noise in the world disappeared in my ear.
I can see Xie Tingyun’s tattered silver robe, and blood is pouring out.
I shook my lips. "Why did you do this?"
Xie Tingyun struggled to crack his mouth and laugh, but left a line of blood.
"You came to save me. You can’t die without saving me."
I trembled and held him.
"I will save you. I will save you. It’s okay. You have to hold back."
"Sister Yan, those men in black have escaped. How can Lord Xie send him to the medical department quickly?"
Ling Mo nervously rushed over to help Xie Tingjun.
I wiped my tears and managed to calm my mind
"If you can’t come, you have to stop bleeding now, or his life will be in danger. Ling Mo, you take him to bed and I’ll ask the monks in the temple to get the medicine."
Fortunately, Xie Tingyun cut his shoulder blade.
Fortunately, I didn’t hurt my heart, lungs and other dirty things, although I was pierced into my body.
I spent an afternoon cleaning the wound, connecting the broken bones and sewing the medicine.
Night had fallen when I came out of the room.
"How about Sister Xie’s adult?" As soon as I came out and waited anxiously for Ling Mo outside, I immediately asked me.
"Don’t worry about him and worry about his life. The wound looks terrible, but there is not much danger because it doesn’t hurt the dirty place." I comforted him softly
Ling Mo suddenly looked slack, and then hesitated to say, "Fortunately, this time, Lord Xie gave his life to save you, or you would be miserable, sister Xie, who is very affectionate and righteous to you."
I was stuck in the heart surges particularly heavy.
I didn’t expect Xie Tingyun to give his life to save me. I’m just an ordinary friend of his and I have a different position.
I was deeply shocked by his practice.
I can’t tell you how I can repay his kindness.
"Ling devoted to me is very lucky? Not only do I have a lovely brother like you, but I also have a friend like Xie Tingjun. My life is really not in vain. I am grateful to God for letting me know you and let me know that friendship is so precious besides love and affection. "
I am so lucky that my generation has nothing, and this generation has been compensated.
Because all this is hard-won, I want to cherish it.
I can’t see my friend get hurt again.
Love is very important, and friendship is equally important. I can’t blindly turn a blind eye to the people around me because of love.
If love makes me lose my principles and violate my conscience.
Am I still the same Wang Chaoyan?
I don’t want to end up not recognizing myself.
I went back to the palace and went straight to Yulong Palace.
I need to make a final confirmation of what all this is about.
I found Bai Xihuang in the room. His face was heavy after sitting on the case.
When he saw me coming in, his eyes suddenly swept up and pursed his lips, but when his eyes fell on my neck and bandaged the gauze, he immediately swept to my side and was nervous.
"Yan son are you hurt? How did this happen? " He looked at my neck nervously.
I avoided his hand and stared at him for a moment.
"They didn’t tell you? It doesn’t matter that this is a minor injury. If Xie Tingjun didn’t help me block hidden weapons, what you see now is my body. "
Bai Xihuang’s dark eyes shrink, and anger rushes to heartache, staring at my neck and eyes with dangerous luster.
"Those assassins dare to hurt you like this. I won’t let them go."
I stared at him with a wry smile. "Can you really hold their hands? Bai Xihuang, they didn’t expect me to appear there, see me sabotage their plan to help Xie Tingjun escape, resent me for blocking the killer who hurts me, and I can understand what they are doing. "

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