

Zichen sword cut off the cocoon and made a crisp sound like gold and iron hitting a huge anti-shock force to make the wind Zichen hold the swordsman numb. Zichen sword almost came out.
"What? !” Take back Zichen’s sword wind. Zichen clenched her right hand back and forth for so many times that the sense of paralysis just receded.
"Ha-ha, my cocoon of light is transformed by a fiend’s arm. It’s ridiculous that you want to cut it like an ant in Taiyi Jin Xian!"
Talking light cocoon body surging brilliance image changed greatly. A huge hand covered with scales covered the sky like a Taoist incarnation threatening the flood and shooting towards the wind Zichen.
It is soil fiend arm.
Suddenly, the tyrannical spirit rushed to the clouds and the fierce spirit crashed out.
Chapter one hundred and six Repression
Kill, kill, kill, kill
Just glanced at the fiend’s arm, and Zichen’s heart was filled with a stream of murder. Her eyes were dyed red and her skin grew black scales, which filled the air with ferocity.
At the same time, his reason gradually lost, and his fangs bulged to degenerate step by step and gradually transformed into fierce beasts.
Just when the wind Zichen was about to lose her mind, HarmonyOS Daozhong found that he was trembling in crisis and plumped with HarmonyOS gas.
The long bell rings!
Like from the past and from the future, like the roar of the avenue, Zichen’s ear keeps echoing, washing her mind and destroying the evil spirit.
Suddenly like a pot of cold water, Zichen woke up with a tingle, and her body gradually returned to normal.
"psst! So strong! "
"Is this the chaos fiend?"
"Just a broken arm giving off breath almost made me fall!"
"It’s not the kui is the world’s most powerful creatures! If HarmonyOS didn’t wake me up at the bell, I would have fallen into a fierce beast just now! "
After waking up, Feng Zichen turned pale and his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his face was scared. This was the last time he was close to death, and he almost died.
"Good Lingbao!" Witnessing all these changes, the magic tire eyes lit up and could not help but praise HarmonyOS Daozhong.
"But now it’s mine!" After that, he suddenly made a bold move to catch HarmonyOS Daozhong, showing a certain complacency.
The magic tire turns into a fiend’s arm with dozens of feet, but Zichen’s eyes are as big as the sun, as if they were packed with the whole shrinking and grasping at him.
The palm print of his hand contains the great truth, which is the manifestation of the dirt road. He is the master of the road and the source of the dirt road
The rumble of the giant hand is getting closer and closer to the avenue, and the atmosphere permeates the fields like the wind. Zichen’s mind makes his eyes look at nothing but the giant hand.
The shadow of death attacks and can be avoided!
There is no escape from the wind, and Zichen pours her body magic into the HarmonyOS Daozhong, doing her best to urge its power and blow it out of the giant hand and collide with it.
In the shocking explosion, the two collided fiercely and flew out at the same time. The terrorist forces overflowed to form a series of destruction storms, and everything was like the end of the world.
"Not good!"
See the destruction of the storm blowing towards their wind Zichen face horrified without calling back HarmonyOS Daozhong figure a flash to hide in chaos bead.
I don’t know how long it’s been, and the storm of destruction has gradually subsided, and virtual peace has been restored again.
"Is it over?"
Chaos bead wind zichen quietly leaned out a wisp of spirit force and scanned for a moment to see that there was no danger before she came out.
In the distance, I noticed the wind, Zichen’s breath, and a purple light flashed across HarmonyOS Road. Zhong Huang wandered back to him and circled constantly as if to express his dissatisfaction with him.
"Well, where’s the magic tire?"
Suddenly, the wind zichen raised the HarmonyOS clock in her heart and knocked on her head.
Almost at the same time, the fiend’s arm suddenly appeared and his head patted him as a pledge.
A fiend’s arm was repulsed by HarmonyOS Daozhong’s huge anti-shock force, and Zichen’s insides were shattered. Wow, a mouth spit out a big mouthful of blood, but it was not slightly injured

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