An arrow shaft wrapped in wind elements, a giant crossbow bolt crashed into its chest …


Chapter 9 Leather Goods Trading
On the first day of entering the hills and mountains, ten wagons returned to Duodan town with ghost-patterned soldiers in the afternoon.
Ten wagons returned home full. On the second day, Mrs. luna, the acting mayor, organized twenty wagons to cross the Duodan Canyon and arrived at the hilly and mountainous battlefield before noon.
Although the acting mayor made the boldest prediction in her life, twenty wagons still failed to carry away the war profits.
On the third day, when I came to the hills and mountains, there was a thunder rhinoceros caravan.
There are twelve thunder rhinoceros in this caravan. They walk in a row in the mountains and look like a moving hill from a distance.
As the Thunder Rhino caravan arrived three days later, all the accumulated profits could finally be transported to Duodan Town.
The thunder caravan originally came to the thunder rhinoceros for physical transformation. Surdak led an army to hunt ghost-striped red ants outside the canyon. The head of the caravan immediately decided to take the thunder rhinoceros caravan to see Commander Surdak.
Cleaning the battlefield scene is very lively.
Selena herself rushed to the front line and divided the personnel to count the war benefits, merits and losses, and needed supplementary materials.
This time, the merits of the hunting cavalry battalion are no longer evenly distributed, but are distinguished according to the cavalry squads. All the battlefields to kill the red ants with ghost stripes will have the unique marks of each squad.
The battlefield in hilly areas also has a large span. The cavalry raided around the ant colony, which made the bodies of red ants with ghost patterns everywhere in hilly areas. Many red ants with ghost patterns failed to get together in time. After the war, they had to run the area again and set up a set of horses to drag those soldiers with ghost patterns back.
But in this way, the cavalry’s enthusiasm is much higher.
No explosives were used to clean up the ghost-tattooed worker ants in this hunting, and these ghost-tattooed worker ants were once again included in the merit books, which made the merit statistics more complicated.
Selena temporarily found several cavalry who knew imperial language to make statistics together, and was busy until late when she returned to Duodan town with the Thunder Rhino caravan.
In the merit statistics, things have been busy all night, mainly because when Selena finally checked the total number, the merit value and the number of ghost-striped soldier ants were right or wrong
Selena temporarily invited several cavalry to work together in order to count the merits of each team as soon as possible.
But after all, these cavalry took part in this battle battlefield. Many cavalry are their familiar friends at ordinary times. Everyone has selfishness. Occasionally, someone remembers more achievements in private. This kind of thing can’t be supervised …
This time, it is the first time for the cavalry battalion to make a false report on merit.
Selena didn’t want to say a word with a straight face until she returned to Dodan town.
Selena wanted to thoroughly investigate these cavalry who were responsible for statistical achievements, but she was later stopped by Surdak to falsely report the achievements, and the amount was not too large. Then the hunting of the ghost-striped red ant could go smoothly, so she did not pursue this matter.
It’s those cavalry who are responsible for statistical achievements. Even if they work in vain for half a day, there is no subsidy reward
Lance and some of his friends have been living in a thunder rhinoceros cabin these days.
I also participated in several battles these days, but unfortunately I didn’t give full play to the wizard’s advantages.
They just throw a few fireballs at the ant colony on the platform, which can’t actually have much impact on the whole war.
Several young magicians have a certain understanding of the fighting style of imperial cavalry and a clear understanding of the strength of Surdak, a cavalry team.
Lance didn’t expect Surdak to have two powerful men like Andrew, a Nanai native warrior, and a two-headed ogre. No wonder he not only easily held the Duodan Canyon, but also led the cavalry out of it.
The two of them led a group of cavalry to fight in the ant colony, which was almost the mainstay of the battlefield. All the cavalry followed them and plundered and harvested the red ants like transit locusts.
This is also the most intuitive feeling for Lance to fight in the hills and mountains with the cavalry battalion.
Later, Lance found that Samira, the half-elf archer, was the core of the whole team. In the last battle to kill the queen, she shot sixteen ghost-patterned males and one ghost-patterned queen by herself.
Seeing these soldiers in the cavalry camp, young magicians also thought about what to do to get more achievements and how to make those cavalry fight together.
The five of them gathered in the cabin to think about the wizard’s position in a war.
They charge like knights and shoot fireballs as frequently as archers. Although the power is not bad, this thing will exhaust their spirit dozens of times.
After discussing for a long time, we finally found that we didn’t find a good starting point.
Among the five wizards, Grena took the lead in taking this step.
The reason is that Gelina is a water magician. She studied hydrotherapy for simple treatment, and then she was honored to be Surdak’s assistant, who was usually responsible for treating injured knights.
Several magicians also saw the ability of Surdak cavalry battalion to collect money quickly.
The cavalry have been killing red ants with ghost stripes these days and actually harvested a lot of magical materials.
They can’t figure it out. If it’s really what they see, then why didn’t his army rob this piece of fat?
Duke Newman of Benayne province in Bailin said that the control of several planes is not prominent. This plane resource is very common and has not been made yet. Even the magic airship channel is built here.
It is not as rich in resources as maca plane and dry cloth plane.
"How could such a beast tide not be noticed by his noble lords?"
Gloria leans against the window and looks at the battlefield in the hills and mountains at dusk. A group of thunder rhinoceros is full of all kinds of goods and is slowly moving towards Duodan Canyon. I can’t help but sigh.
There are also some questions about the sweet-faced sorceress snuggling up to her. "Yes! When did the noble lords of Bena Province become so polite? Don’t you even come and share a piece of it? "
"I think it’s probably Commander Surdak’s personal ability." The monocle wizard gave an answer.
Lance laughed and said nothing.
His magicians asked curiously, "What ability?"
The monocle wizard assumed a natural attitude and said, "Of course it is holy light! How much influence do you think these ghost-patterned red formic acid rot venom has on his cavalry? "

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