Surdak didn’t expect the owner of the Warcraft materials store to be so dark. The purchase price was halved and the head was erased.


Looking at Surdak, he didn’t immediately promise the shopkeeper to flip his eyelids and asked Surdak, "What’s the matter? Do you think the price is a little low? Knight "
Surdak put salamander meat in his magic pocket on the counter and was about to speak when the shopkeeper beat him to say
"This is not too little. The meat is almost 100 pounds. Even if it is almost, I will calculate 100 pounds for you to see if it can sell two gold coins. It is already very good. No one in Hailanza City is willing to buy so much salamander meat except me."
Surdak didn’t expect the owner of Warcraft materials store to bargain so hard that he had a look that you didn’t want to sell and then you could leave.
Surdak did not hesitate to take back the salamander meat from the counter, turned around and walked out. This kind of bargaining by the shopkeeper is also a wave.
The shopkeeper put on a pair of’ eat you’ but I didn’t expect Surdak to pack up salamander meat without saying hello and turn around and walk away. He hurriedly chased it out of the counter and asked behind Surdak, "Feed … don’t want to sell it? Where do you want to take it? "
See Surdak also don’t look back to step out of the gate of Warcraft material store owner, this is really some nasty stretched out his hand and grabbed Surdak arm and said to him.
"Hey, don’t go, we can discuss it again, or I’ll give you ten more silver coins privately …"
Surdak didn’t bother to look at the owner of the Warcraft materials store. He shook his hand and jumped over the horse with a light leap.
Looking at Surdak riding away from the back, the shopkeeper shouted at Surdak’s back with a bad spirit.
"Look at it. No matter where I give you the price, it won’t be as high as mine! You will come back, and I won’t be so accommodating. "
The sound echoed repeatedly in the deserted street.
The sale of salamander meat didn’t go as smoothly as expected. Surdak felt that he might listen to the old village head and go directly to the high-end restaurants in the city. Maybe those restaurants just wanted to buy this high-end ingredient.
Walking out of the magic college street, pedestrians have become more and more. Surdak can lead horses on foot to find and decorate some luxurious restaurants along the way. However, the small mountain city of Hailansa gives people the feeling that it is full of rocks with a sense of time, and the ancient and old atmosphere is full of the whole city.
Along the way, Surdak couldn’t find where a high-end restaurant could continue to squeeze towards the busiest main street.
"Surdak is really you. Aren’t you back to Wall Village? How did you come to Hailanza? "
At this time, Surdak heard a familiar sound on his head and shouted excitedly.
Surdak couldn’t help but look up to the top of his head. A familiar face in the direct glare of the sun leaned out of the street window on the second floor and looked at him with a smile.
"Carl, it’s you!"
Surdak didn’t expect to meet Carl Street in this mountain city with hundreds of thousands of people.
Carl enthusiastically led him to find the Knights of Hailanza when he first came to Hailanza.
This time I came to Surdak, Hailansa City, I should visit Carl with some local products to express my gratitude, but he came to sell meat and was in a hurry to prepare Surdak. I felt very embarrassed.
Carl came quickly from the floor and looked at Surdak curiously.
Surdak said this to Carl.
Carl said to Surdak in some consternation, "You’re really lucky. You can touch salamanders just by walking around the Pagros mountains. So did you sell the salamander meat?"
Surdak a face of embarrassment "…"
Chapter 23 Trading
"Take you somewhere"
Hearing Surdak talk about his bumpy experience in selling salamander meat, Carl could hold back his smile and said to him
Hailansa City is a quite three-dimensional city. Surdak leads horses along the street with Carl, and the foundations of houses on both sides of the street are inclined to keep the building level. Each building has independent foundations, so there are several steps at the entrance of all shops in this street, which are not directly opposite the door and stick to the building wall. Some shops have also built some canopy styles. Bena City is very different.

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