Bang bang bang—


When Kuroha fell, Xu Ren had commanded the sword shadow to fall one after another.
Xu Ren’s sword shadow is certainly not an ordinary sword shadow. Every sword shadow contains a very strong skyfire.
The skyfire manifest demon monk Kuroha immediately burned up behind him.
Feel the flame burning, then Kuroha is also in a hurry, flapping his wings to put out the flame.
It’s a pity that skyfire in Xu Ren is no ordinary flame, and it’s hard to put it out even if it’s repaired higher than Xu Ren himself.
Especially when Xu Ren ordered the flying sword to rise a lot, the fire power naturally became stronger and stronger that day.
However, this is not the end of Xu Ren. Although Kuroha set fire, he did not remove the gravity superposition attack
That is to say, the demon monk Kuroha is still limited by gravity attack.
Bang bang bang—
Xu Ren hit Kuroha again with many swords.
Kuroha complained in his heart that the flame of his body was enough to make him feel bad. Now Xu Ren has hit him with so many swords, and his situation is even worse.
Xu Renshen has put so many flames, and he may be run today.
However, this Kuroha is still unwilling and still struggling to resist. He doesn’t want to fall into the ancient battlefield like this
Chapter one thousand two hundred and sixty Debate over your breath
Kuroha didn’t want to fall into the ancient battlefield like this. It was too humbled to die like this.
But now he also knows that he must have no way to escape, or even if he escapes, the flame will torture him to death.
Therefore, this Kuroha immediately made a decision that it was self-explosion.
Accompanied by Kuroha’s display of Gan Kun’s reversal of the military solution, a strong shock wave appeared and spread around instantly.
Xu Ren sullenly, at first, he didn’t want to directly force this Kuroha to blow itself up. After all, this Kuroha is a treasure, whether it’s a beak or a claw, Kuroha is a good thing to refine.
Of course, now the demon monk Kuroha blew himself up, and he couldn’t come if he wanted to save it.
But Xu Renke learned his lesson when he came to face the other two demon monks.
After collecting Kuroha’s demon soul and treasure, Xu Ren immediately jumped at the demon monk Zhan Fei and the watchtower in the confrontation with the little demon leopard Molin.
Exhibition flying and watchtower speed are also very fast. Although they are not the sword repair of the demon clan on the list of hundred swords, their strength is still very good, at least not worse than being forced by Xu Ren to blow up Kuroha.
Xu Ren’s attack object this time is Zhanfei, whose hand is a broadsword, and Xu Ren’s Xinghai sword directly confronts him.
In this confrontation, Xu Ren discovered that the original flying strength was much stronger than that of Kuroha who was killed by him before.
This made Xu Renqi exercise his physique, so he didn’t want him either. He just waved his Xinghai sword and flew recklessly.
Demon monk Zhan Fei knew that Xu Ren had great strength, but there were some contrasts when Xu Renhe and Kuroha confronted each other before. Now he has personally confronted Xu Ren, and he knows how strong Xu Ren really is.
This kind of fighting also made Zhan Fei feel very painful. He had seen Xu Ren force Kuroha to blow himself up before, and he didn’t dare to manifest himself because the manifesting body was stronger, but the goal was bigger. It was even more difficult to escape Xu Ren’s sword shadow attack.
Zhanfei thinks that this is also the main inducement for Kuroha to be forced to blow himself up before. If Kuroha doesn’t manifest himself as a human form, the final result of Xu Ren’s confrontation may not be forced to blow himself up.
Xu Renke, no matter what this exhibition fly is thinking, his attack speed is getting faster and faster, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger. In the end, he actually forced the exhibition fly to retreat repeatedly as if there was no parry left.
Zhan Fei complained in his heart that he didn’t want to manifest the OBE, but it was not the way to keep being suppressed by the other party.
Xu Ren had already killed him when he hesitated to fly. His mind moved, and the "black hole" flying sword had released a gravity attack.
While hesitating, Zhong Zhanfei’s body suddenly staggered, and he felt that his body suddenly became heavier.
At this time, Zhanfei knew that his biggest crisis was coming, so he wanted to show his real resistance.
It’s a pity that he was hit by Xu Ren’s spiritual stab attack before he showed his true identity.
"ah! ……”
The demon monk Zhanfei let out a scream.
But soon the flying show came to an abrupt end because Xu Ren ordered the flying sword to pass through his throat.
If a flying sword goes through the throat, there is no way out.
Zhanfei is a demon’s body of the earth, which means that his external defense is strong, but it does not mean that his internal defense is so strong.
When Xu Ren ordered the flying sword to pass through Zhanfei’s throat, he released a lot of firm but gentle, and directly ground Zhanfei’s insides.
There was a loud noise, and my body collapsed and revealed my true self.
It turns out that this Zhanfei is also a big bird, and its head is actually bigger than the body Kuroha, but this guy’s head and wings are top and his legs are white.
Zhanfei was killed by Xu Ren, but the demon soul didn’t go out and rushed out of the body to escape.
Xu Ren, of course, won’t let this guy’s demon soul run away and sacrifice his life to fly the sword "black hole" for a long time, so this exhibition flying demon soul was directly trapped in the black hole flying sword.

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