"Brother Pei, didn’t you promise me before?"


"Do you want me to get a sword to protect myself after my injury?"
I didn’t hide my longing for the sword at all. I looked at Pei Wende with a slight expectation and just didn’t say "Give me this sword."
"You have a good little eye."
Smiling, he stepped forward and pulled out Peiwende’s sword with one hand and said
"This is my most satisfying one."
"Toughness, strength and brilliance are the best of these seven swords."
Until this time, Zhang Chusheng is complete. Look at this long sword.
This is a long sword with amazing length, which occupies one third of the whole blade just by inserting it into the ground.
Especially when Pei Wende waved it with one hand, its slender blade actually bent like a whip, showing its horrible toughness.
"The name of the sword is’ soft iron’, and the sword is three feet two inches long, which makes the whip break sometimes."
"Compared with oxtail long knife, ring-head broadsword, dragon knight big sword, Napoleon saber, Dusak machete, face Han sword …"
"Even I often use the dogleg knife, which makes the difficulty one of the best."
Pei Wende looked at his eyes when he said this sentence, and Zhang Chusheng deliberately paused with a smile.
"if you really want to learn, I can consider teach you."
However, in the face of Pei Wende’s sudden "temptation", Zhang Chusheng suddenly became alert
"What do you want me to do?"
Smiled and shook his head, Pei Wende once again held a sword flower with one hand.
"I may have to go to the mountain later, and I’m sure I can’t come back tonight."
"If you can hide the old monk’s words for me, I will teach you how to use’ soft iron’ as soon as you come back."
Chapter IX Causality is hard to determine
It’s the sun approaching at dusk.
Zhang Chusheng sat at the gate of Tongqing Temple with a face of despair, annoyed that he had just failed to withstand the temptation and made things look like this.
Once master knows that Brother Pei is keeping secrets from him and he is an accomplice, he will be furious.
After all, Brother Pei always causes a lot of trouble every time he goes up the mountain, which has long been a well-known "anecdote" near Weishan.
One thousand if you let master know that Brother Pei has quietly visited Zhang Chusheng this time, you will definitely feel that the future will not be easy.
"But I really want that soft iron handle."
Looking back with hesitation, Zhang Chusheng’s brain turned rapidly in the backyard of the temple, thinking about how to make a statement to fool the wily Zen master.
"Just say that Brother Pei practices in the back of the mountain?"
"No, Master doesn’t often go to the back hill, but wouldn’t it be exposed if he went today?"
"Then I said I don’t know where Brother Pei went?"
"Well, although this can temporarily fool the past, I’ll be up shit creek when Brother Pei comes back …"
Vague mouth constantly muttered more think more helpless Zhang Chusheng finally simply gave up thinking and decided to cross the bridge when it comes to it.
Anyway, it’s not once or twice that Brother Pei got into trouble. I believe that Master’s little heart should be able to bear it.
At worst, just say that Pei Dageshan went to collect herbs. I don’t know exactly where to collect herbs.
"Although I didn’t expect the smelly boy to deceive the old monk, isn’t it a little too soon to expose it?"
Pei Wende just walked halfway up the mountain along the flow direction of "Beauty Stream" when she heard a sigh in her ear.
I don’t want everyone to know that this must be the sigh of Zen master Lingyou.
"Master, I really have something to do this time."
Knowing that Zen master Lingyou can hear his own voice, Pei Wende explained without looking back
"I think you should know from beginning to end that Xiaoqing didn’t even shy away from giving me the law."
"I don’t know what you and your brother Xiaoqing saw, and I don’t know what you are up to."
"But as far as I am concerned, she is my friend. Since there is a situation over there, I can’t sit idly by."
Another sigh rang in Pei Wende’s ear, and then, just like every time, Master Lingyou didn’t stop him from thinking about mountains.
"I hate the old monk. You can’t say anything about this."
Nai rolled his eyes. Pei Wende knew that this was the character of Zen master Lingyou.
Now that the other party has acquiesced in this mountain, let’s be ignorant of each other’s thoughts!
Because by just observing and searching Pei Wende, I can finally be sure that Xiaoqing is no longer Weishan.
On the other hand, the other party often inhabits the water pool, or runs through most of Weishan beauty stream, but often haunts the back mountain jungle in front of the other party …
Pei Wende didn’t find a trace of Xiaoqing, which seems to confirm the youth’s saying of "delivering letters" from the side.
"There is one last place …"

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位于广州番禺的男士SPA,是都市男性释放压力、享受宁静的绝佳去处。在这里,您可以尽情体验舒适按摩之旅,感受身心放松的愉悦。 一、环境优雅,舒适宜人 番禺男士SPA会馆装修风格简约而不失大气,宽敞明亮的大厅,让每一位来宾都能感受到温馨的氛围。会馆内部设有多个独立包间,私密性极高,让您在享受按摩的同时,还能保持一份宁静与私密。 二、专业技师,手法精湛 番禺男士SPA会馆拥有一支专业的技师团队,他们经过严格筛选和系统培训,具备丰富的按摩经验。技师们手法精湛,能够根据您的需求,为您量身定制合适的按摩方案。无论是缓解肌肉疲劳、消除紧张情绪,还是改善睡眠质量,都能在这里得到满意的解决方案。 三、多种项目,满足个性化需求 番禺男士SPA会馆提供多种按摩项目,如中式按摩、泰式按摩、足浴、刮痧、拔罐等,满足不同客户的个性化需求。其中,中式按摩以舒缓疲劳、调理气血为主,泰式按摩则强调拉伸和放松肌肉,足浴则有助于改善血液循环、缓解疲劳。 四、独特香薰,提升按摩体验 番禺男士SPA会馆特别引进了多种香薰精油,如薰衣草、迷迭香、柠檬草等,让客户在享受按摩的同时,还能感受到独特的香薰氛围。香薰精油具有舒缓神经、改善睡眠、消除疲劳等功效,让您的身心得到全方位的放松。 五、贴心服务,让您宾至如归…